Emory-Georgia Tech AQAST Workshop

Friday, August 28, 2015

311 Ferst Drive
Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) Building
Conference Room 3229
Atlanta, GA 30332-0512

This workshop is organized by the local members of the NASA's Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST): Emory University and Georgia Tech.


The purpose of the workshop is to update our air quality management partners and regional stakeholders on the progress made in our projects, get their feedback and identify potential applications for the research products as the projects are coming to an end in 2016.


1:30: Welcome & Introductions
1:40: Forecasting the air quality impacts of specific sources (Russell)
2:00: Forecasting prescribed burns and their impacts: 2015 burn season in GA (Odman)
2:20: Evaluating satellite based fire detection in GA (Liu)
2:40: Chemical reanalysis transition to operations (Hu, Georgia Tech)
3:00: Break
3:15: Prescribed fires in the Southeast and fire emissions inventories (Gillam, EPA Region 4)
3:30: Georgia wildland fire emissions (Tian, Georgia EPD)
3:45: Prescribed burning trends under changing climate (Liu, US Forest Service)
4:00: Discussion (Russell)
5:00: Reception